Law Schools in California

Currently, there are 18 California law schools that approved by ABA and/or active in IPEDS, U.S. Department of Education.

Statistics for 18 California Law Schools

The average tuition & fees of 18 California law schools are $60,901 for state residents and $64,018 for out-of-state students for the academic year 2024-2025. The average GPA of the schools is 3.63 and the average LSAT score is 161. The average acceptance rate is 33.21%.

Law Schools in California Comparison Table

The following table compares Law Schools in California with important law schools facts. All data is for the academic year 2023-2024, except bar exam passage data for 2022-2023.
School NameTuition & FeesAcceptance RateAverage GPAAverage LSATTotal EnrollmentEnrollment (First-Year Students)Bar Exam Pass Rate*
Berkeley School of Law
public, Berkeley, CA
14.92% 3.87 170 1,302 318 88.24%
California Western School of Law
private, San Diego, CA
$62,550 55.38% 3.38 153 625 208 48.35%
Chapman University School of Law
private, Orange, CA
$63,126 30.68% 3.67 161 422 139 80.00%
Davis School of Law
public, Davis, CA
28.99% 3.69 165 718 206 82.66%
Golden Gate University-San Francisco School of Law
private, San Francisco, CA
$56,000 22.43% 3.28 153 300 25 -
Gould School of Law
private, Los Angeles, CA
$78,038 12.52% 3.88 169 1,436 178 82.42%
Irvine School of Law
public, Irvine, CA
18.18% 3.72 167 510 146 86.86%
Los Angeles School of Law
public, Los Angeles, CA
16.80% 3.92 170 1,376 301 88.82%
Loyola Law School
private, Los Angeles, CA
$68,512 33.92% 3.71 161 1,132 314 78.76%
McGeorge School of Law
private, Sacramento, CA
$59,580 61.31% 3.40 155 666 197 67.07%
Pepperdine University School of Law
private, Malibu, CA
$68,046 28.18% 3.86 164 1,114 173 83.33%
Santa Clara University School of Law
private, Santa Clara, CA
$59,254 52.43% 3.55 159 662 240 61.79%
Southwestern Law School
private, Los Angeles, CA
$58,392 49.85% 3.44 155 955 345 63.98%
Stanford Law School
private, Stanford, CA
$73,713 7.26% 3.95 173 682 157 96.70%
University of California College of the Law, San Francisco
public, San Francisco, CA
30.91% 3.59 160 1,185 356 72.14%
University of San Diego School of Law
private, San Diego, CA
$62,981 33.61% 3.80 161 974 249 78.76%
University of San Francisco School of Law
private, San Francisco, CA
$55,290 55.23% 3.46 153 612 158 67.37%
Western State College of Law
private, Irvine, CA
$49,848 45.14% 3.16 152 332 117 58.49%
*The pass rate is based on the first time bar exam takers.

Law Schools in California

Berkeley School of Law

Berkeley School of Law (part of University of California-Berkeley) is located in Berkeley, CA, founded in 1894 and it has total 1,302 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Berkeley School of Law is $62,567 for California and $74,995 for out-of-state students. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.87 and the average LSAT score is 170. The acceptance rate of Berkeley School of Law is 14.92% and the yield is 32.12%.

California Western School of Law

California Western School of Law is located in San Diego, CA, founded in 1924 and it has total 625 law school students. The 2025 law school tuition & fees at California Western School of Law is $62,550. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.38 and the average LSAT score is 153. The acceptance rate of California Western School of Law is 55.38% and the yield is 22.83%.

Chapman University School of Law

Chapman University School of Law is located in Orange, CA, founded in 1995 and it has total 422 law school students. The 2025 law school tuition & fees at Chapman University School of Law is $63,126. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.67 and the average LSAT score is 161. The acceptance rate of Chapman University School of Law is 30.68% and the yield is 24.51%.

Davis School of Law

Davis School of Law (part of University of California-Davis) is located in Davis, CA, founded in 1965 and it has total 718 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Davis School of Law is $54,919 for California and $67,164 for out-of-state students. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.69 and the average LSAT score is 165. The acceptance rate of Davis School of Law is 28.99% and the yield is 22.46%.

Golden Gate University-San Francisco School of Law

Golden Gate University-San Francisco School of Law is located in San Francisco, CA, founded in 1901 and it has total 300 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Golden Gate University-San Francisco School of Law is $56,000. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.28 and the average LSAT score is 153. The acceptance rate of Golden Gate University-San Francisco School of Law is 22.43% and the yield is 10.92%.

Gould School of Law

Gould School of Law (part of University of Southern California) is located in Los Angeles, CA, founded in 1896 and it has total 1,436 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Gould School of Law is $78,038. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.88 and the average LSAT score is 169. The acceptance rate of Gould School of Law is 12.52% and the yield is 29.32%.

Irvine School of Law

Irvine School of Law (part of University of California-Irvine) is located in Irvine, CA, founded in 2009 and it has total 510 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Irvine School of Law is $55,945 for California and $68,190 for out-of-state students. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.72 and the average LSAT score is 167. The acceptance rate of Irvine School of Law is 18.18% and the yield is 30.54%.

Los Angeles School of Law

Los Angeles School of Law (part of University of California-Los Angeles) is located in Los Angeles, CA, founded in 1949 and it has total 1,376 law school students. The 2025 law school tuition & fees at Los Angeles School of Law is $59,185 for California and $71,430 for out-of-state students. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.92 and the average LSAT score is 170. The acceptance rate of Los Angeles School of Law is 16.80% and the yield is 27.74%.

Loyola Law School

Loyola Law School (part of Loyola Marymount University) is located in Los Angeles, CA, founded in 1920 and it has total 1,132 law school students. The 2025 law school tuition & fees at Loyola Law School is $68,512. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.71 and the average LSAT score is 161. The acceptance rate of Loyola Law School is 33.92% and the yield is 26.72%.

McGeorge School of Law

McGeorge School of Law (part of University of the Pacific) is located in Sacramento, CA, founded in 1924 and it has total 666 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at McGeorge School of Law is $59,580. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.40 and the average LSAT score is 155. The acceptance rate of McGeorge School of Law is 61.31% and the yield is 35.62%.

Pepperdine University School of Law

Pepperdine University School of Law is located in Malibu, CA, founded in 1971 and it has total 1,114 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Pepperdine University School of Law is $68,046. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.86 and the average LSAT score is 164. The acceptance rate of Pepperdine University School of Law is 28.18% and the yield is 17.62%.

Santa Clara University School of Law

Santa Clara University School of Law is located in Santa Clara, CA, founded in 1912 and it has total 662 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Santa Clara University School of Law is $59,254. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.55 and the average LSAT score is 159. The acceptance rate of Santa Clara University School of Law is 52.43% and the yield is 23.93%.

Southwestern Law School

Southwestern Law School is located in Los Angeles, CA, founded in 1911 and it has total 955 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Southwestern Law School is $58,392. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.44 and the average LSAT score is 155. The acceptance rate of Southwestern Law School is 49.85% and the yield is 34.29%.

Stanford Law School

Stanford Law School is located in Stanford, CA, founded in 1893 and it has total 682 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Stanford Law School is $73,713. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.95 and the average LSAT score is 173. The acceptance rate of Stanford Law School is 7.26% and the yield is 44.48%.

University of California College of the Law, San Francisco

University of California College of the Law, San Francisco (part of University of California-Hastings College of Law) is located in San Francisco, CA, founded in 1878 and it has total 1,185 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at University of California College of the Law, San Francisco is $48,273 for California and $55,207 for out-of-state students. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.59 and the average LSAT score is 160. The acceptance rate of University of California College of the Law, San Francisco is 30.91% and the yield is 29.54%.

University of San Diego School of Law

University of San Diego School of Law is located in San Diego, CA, founded in 1954 and it has total 974 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at University of San Diego School of Law is $62,981. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.80 and the average LSAT score is 161. The acceptance rate of University of San Diego School of Law is 33.61% and the yield is 20.70%.

University of San Francisco School of Law

University of San Francisco School of Law is located in San Francisco, CA, founded in 1912 and it has total 612 law school students. The 2025 law school tuition & fees at University of San Francisco School of Law is $55,290. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.46 and the average LSAT score is 153. The acceptance rate of University of San Francisco School of Law is 55.23% and the yield is 15.27%.

Western State College of Law

Western State College of Law is located in Irvine, CA, founded in 1966 and it has total 332 law school students. The 2024 law school tuition & fees at Western State College of Law is $49,848. The average GPA of the enrolled students is 3.16 and the average LSAT score is 152. The acceptance rate of Western State College of Law is 45.14% and the yield is 33.14%.
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