Agronomy and Crop Science Graduate Program 2024 Tuition

Graduate Tuition & Fee $11,379 $24,855
In the United States, 27 graduate schools are offering Agronomy and Crop Science programs. The average graduate tuition & fees for Agronomy and Crop Science programs is $11,512 for state residents and $25,180 for out-of-state students
The average salary after completing the Agronomy and Crop Science graduate programs is $71,310 with a master's degree (or higher).

Career and Salary after Completing Agronomy and Crop Science Program

The following jobs are possible careers after completing Agronomy and Crop Science major program. The average wage is based on the latest employment and wage data (May 2022) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The average annual wage of Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers career is $78,440 and, for Soil and Plant Scientists, the average annual income is $76,290.
Agronomy and Crop Science Careers and its Average Wage (as of May 2023)
Job TitleHourly WageAnnual Wage
Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers$37.71$78,440
Soil and Plant Scientists$36.68$76,290
Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary-$97,520
First-Line Supervisors of Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Workers$26.18$54,450

Average Salary after Completing Agronomy and Crop Science Program

The following table shows the average earning of students three years after completing the Agronomy and Crop Science program by degree type. The average earning after graduation is $71,310 for master degree programs.
DegreeAverage EarningAverage Loan Debt
Master's Degree$71,310-

Schools Offering Agronomy and Crop Science Graduate Programs

27 matched graduate schools

Auburn University

Auburn, AL | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$12,536 (in-state) $33,944 (out-of-state)

University of Arkansas

Fayetteville, AR | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$9,748 (in-state) $28,772 (out-of-state)

University of Florida

Gainesville, FL | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$6,381 (in-state) $28,659 (out-of-state)

University of Georgia

Athens, GA | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$11,180 (in-state) $30,220 (out-of-state)

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Champaign, IL | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$16,004 (in-state) $34,501 (out-of-state)

Iowa State University

Ames, IA | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$10,497 (in-state) $27,683 (out-of-state)

Kansas State University

Manhattan, KS | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$10,942 (in-state) $27,816 (out-of-state)

University of Maryland-College Park

College Park, MD | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$11,505 (in-state) $40,306 (out-of-state)

Mississippi State University

Mississippi State, MS | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$9,815 (in-state) $26,580 (out-of-state)

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Lincoln, NE | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$10,108 (in-state) $27,748 (out-of-state)