Sterile Processing Technology/Technician Vocational Program Tuition & Fees Comparison

In United States, 16 colleges offer the Sterile Processing Technology/Technician vocational program. For the academic year 2023-2024, the average tuition of Sterile Processing Technology/Technician vocational program is $14,770, and the average books & supplies costs are $770.
The average program length of the Sterile Processing Technology/Technician program is 284 contact hours (credit hours) and students have completed the program within 9.0 months on average.
You can view the detail description of the program with tuition & fees, average income after graduation, and possible career path at Sterile Processing Technology/Technician program page.

Sterile Processing Technology/Technician Vocational Program Tuition & Fees Comparison

16 schools are matched for your search.
Sterile Processing Technology/Technician Vocational Program Tuition Comparison Table
School NameTuition & FeesBooks & SuppliesProgram Length (hours)Average Competition Length (month)
Abcott InstituteSouthfield, MI$17,200 - 47 8
Antilles School of Technical CareersSan Juan, PR$12,525 $792 52 12
Brewster Technical CollegeTampa, FL$2,425 $442 650 7
Brookline College-TempeTempe, AZ$13,920 - 32 10
Brookline College-TucsonTucson, AZ$13,920 - 32 10
Chester Career CollegeCHESTER, VA$28,220 - 66 18
Contra Costa Medical Career CollegeAntioch, CA$10,710 $585 600 5
Fortis CollegeHouston, TX$17,347 $970 46 9
Fortis InstituteHouston, TX$17,347 $970 46 9
Glendale Career CollegeGlendale, CA$16,942 $138 985 8
Learning Bridge Career InstituteHouma, LA$12,000 - 742 8
Medical Career InstituteOcean, NJ$9,500 $640 40 6
Philadelphia Technician TrainingPhiladelphia, PA$23,000 - 1,100 8
Pima Medical Institute-DenverDenver, CO$15,655 $765 36 9
Pima Medical Institute-PhoenixPhoenix, AZ$15,655 $765 34 9
Premiere Career CollegeIrwindale, CA$9,955 $1,630 33 8
*Schools missing information are not included in this table. The schools have not report their information to the IPEDS/NCES or not applicable.)
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