Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping Vocational Program Tuition & Fees Comparison

In United States, 19 colleges offer the Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping vocational program. For the academic year 2023-2024, the average tuition of Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping vocational program is $10,253, and the average books & supplies costs are $820.
The average program length of the Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping program is 627 contact hours (credit hours) and students have completed the program within 9.1 months on average.
You can view the detail description of the program with tuition & fees, average income after graduation, and possible career path at Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping program page.

Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping Vocational Program Tuition & Fees Comparison

19 schools are matched for your search.
Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping Vocational Program Tuition Comparison Table
School NameTuition & FeesBooks & SuppliesProgram Length (hours)Average Competition Length (month)
ABC Adult SchoolCerritos, CA$400 $700 776 9
Alliance Computing SolutionsFlushing, NY$10,000 $800 900 9
Asher CollegeSacramento, CA$24,450 $840 100 18
ASI Career InstituteTurnersville, NJ$7,700 $300 400 4
CCI Training Center-ArlingtonArlington, TX$9,065 $920 20 6
Central Coast CollegeSalinas, CA$18,480 $860 45 12
CET-El CentroEl Centro, CA$15,249 - 900 8
Chisholm Trail Technology CenterOmega, OK$1,680 $434 840 10
EDP SchoolBrooklyn, NY$5,500 $200 620 8
M T Training CenterGrand Prairie, TX$12,480 - 600 4
Metropolitan Learning InstituteRego Park, NY$18,000 $1,720 1,500 15
Northwest Technology Center-AlvaAlva, OK$1,920 $480 960 9
Northwest Technology Center-FairviewFairview, OK$1,920 $480 960 9
Orange Technical College-East CampusWinter Park, FL$3,258 $951 900 9
Premiere Career CollegeIrwindale, CA$3,000 $2,515 27 6
Southern Careers Institute-HarlingenHarlingen, TX$18,450 - 806 9
Southern Careers Institute-San AntonioSan Antonio, TX$17,900 - 806 9
Southwest School of Business and Technical Careers-San AntonioSan Antonio, TX$14,470 $380 37 9
Stellar Career CollegeModesto, CA$10,880 $720 720 9
*Schools missing information are not included in this table. The schools have not report their information to the IPEDS/NCES or not applicable.)
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