best-physician-assistant-schools 2023 Graduation Rate Comparison

The average graduation rate for best-physician-assistant-schools is 81.67%, transfer-out rate is 18.00%, and retention rate is 91.67%.
The table below summarizes and compares the graduation, transfer-out, and retention rate for best-physician-assistant-schools. You can sort the table by a column by clicking/touching the column title.

best-physician-assistant-schools 2023 Graduation Rate Comparison

6 schools are matched for your search.
Graduation, Transfer-out, Retention Rate Comparison Table
School NameGraduation RateTransfer-out RateRetention Rate
Duke University Durham, NC96% - 97%
Emory University Atlanta, GA89% - 95%
George Washington University Washington, DC84% - 90%
University of Iowa Iowa City, IA73% 18% 89%
University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT64% - 85%
University of Washington-Seattle Campus Seattle, WA84% - 94%
*Schools missing information are not included in this table. The schools have not report their information to the IPEDS/NCES or not applicable.)
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