Colleges with SAT score between 795 and 895

The SAT score of 845 is a little bit lower than average. Based on the admission data for the academic year 2022-2023, thirteen colleges have SAT scores that are between 795 and 895.
The average SAT score over the colleges is 870. Of that, Villa Maria College has the highest SAT score of 895. The 2024 undergraduate average tuition & fees of the schools are $20,726 and the graduate tuition & fees are $13,523.
*You can view the detail test scores and admission statistics of a school by clicking a point on the graph.
**The multi-colored points mean that multiple schools have same SAT and ACT scores.

Tuition Comparison between Colleges SAT score between 795 and 895

13 colleges have SAT scores that between 795 and 895 - 6 public and 7 private schools. The average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools are $20,726 and the graduate tuition & fees are $13,523. Bethel University has the highest tuition & fees of $33,320.
The average acceptance rate of the colleges with SAT scores between 795 and 895 is 71.26% where Point University has the tightest (lowest) rate of 24.20% and Escuela de Artes Plasticas y Diseno de Puerto Rico has the highest rate of 100.00%. Southern University and A & M College has the highest number of students of 8,226 and Villa Maria College has the lowest number of students of 465.
Table. SAT Score Comparison Between Colleges - SAT score between 795 and 895
School NameTuition & Fees Average Salary
after 10 years
of graduation
Acceptance RateSAT AverageSAT EBRWSAT Math
25th pctl.75th pctl.25th pctl.75th pctl.
Villa Maria College
Buffalo, NYPrivate, four-years
$28,670 $30,00078.20%895 390520 340530
University of the Virgin Islands
Charlotte Amalie, VIPublic, four-years
$35,50096.90%895 410520 390470
Southern University and A & M College
Baton Rouge, LAPublic, four-years
$39,60053.90%890 420510 400490
Escuela de Artes Plasticas y Diseno de Puerto Rico
San Juan, PRPublic, four-years
$20,600100.00%890 478528 368435
Kentucky State University
Frankfort, KYPublic, four-years
$31,30091.50%880 393500 390478
Kentucky Christian University
Grayson, KYPrivate, four-years
$25,000 $36,50044.39%880 440445 410445
Livingstone College
Salisbury, NCPrivate, four-years
$18,296 $26,10063.77%875 400500 400460
Point University
West Point, GAPrivate, four-years
$22,300 $34,70024.20%870 370580 480520
Bloomfield College
Bloomfield, NJPrivate, four-years
$30,680 $42,70078.18%860 410460 360500
Gallaudet University
Washington, DCPrivate, four-years
$18,382 $34,30059.21%855 370572 382517
Bethel University
Mishawaka, INPrivate, four-years
$33,320 $42,80099.47%850 410460 390460
University of North Texas at Dallas
Dallas, TXPublic, four-years
$49,30093.61%845 405468 370418
Fort Valley State University
Fort Valley, GAPublic, four-years
$34,70043.09%830 400480 410470
Average $20,726 $35,23871.26%870 407503 392476
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