Tuition Comparison between SUNY - Technology Colleges

The average undergraduate tuition & fees of SUNY - Technology Colleges is $8,374 for state residents and $16,728 for out-of-state students in the academic year 2023-2024. SUNY Morrisville has the highest undergraduate tuition & fees of $19,189 and SUNY College of Technology at Delhi has the lowest tuition & fees of $12,480 among SUNY - Technology Colleges. For graduate programs, the 2024 average graduate tuition & fees of the schools is $10,246 for state residents and $18,416 for out-of-state students.
The average acceptance rate is 79.66% and the average graduation rate is 53% in the SUNY - Technology Colleges. The average SAT score of the schools is 1,101. The average salary after 10 years of graduation from the SUNY - Technology Colleges is $49,963.

SUNY - Technology Colleges Tuition Comparison

The average undergraduate tuition & fees of SUNY - Technology Colleges is $8,374 for state residents and $16,728 for out-of-state students in the academic year 2023-2024. SUNY Morrisville has the most expensive tuition & fees of $19,189 and SUNY College of Technology at Delhi has the lowest rates of $12,480.
The average graduate tuition & fees of SUNY - Technology Colleges is $10,246 for state residents and $18,416 for out-of-state students in the academic year 2023-2024. Fashion Institute of Technology has the most expensive graduate tuition & fees of $24,466 and SUNY Morrisville has the lowest graduate tuition rates of $11,912.
The following table compares the tuition and important academic & admission facts between SUNY - Technology Colleges.
Table. SUNY - Technology Colleges Tuition & Fees Comparison
School NameUndergraduate
Tuition & Fees
Tuition & Fees
Average Salary
after 10 years
of graduation
Acceptance RateSAT/ACT Scores Student PopulationGraduation Rate
SUNY College of Technology at AlfredAlfred, NY
Public, four-years
$8,862$16,367--$45,50081.74% 1,085 SAT
22 ACT
3,348 54%
SUNY MorrisvilleMorrisville, NY
Public, four-years
$8,769$19,189$6,011$11,912$38,40087.17% - 1,803 32%
SUNY College of Technology at DelhiDelhi, NY
Public, four-years
$8,710$12,480$11,730$13,990$40,80083.15% - 2,612 44%
SUNY College of Technology at CantonCanton, NY
Public, four-years
$8,689$13,519--$39,60094.91% - 2,836 41%
Farmingdale State CollegeFarmingdale, NY
Public, four-years
$8,576$18,486$9,245$18,101$55,80073.17% 1,080 SAT
21 ACT
9,314 54%
SUNY Maritime CollegeThroggs Neck, NY
Public, four-years
$8,540$18,450$11,822$23,612$86,20080.33% 1,200 SAT
26 ACT
1,427 72%
Fashion Institute of TechnologyNew York, NY
Public, four-years
$6,170$16,750$12,422$24,466$53,90052.80% - 8,125 83%
SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at CobleskillCobleskill, NY
Public, four-years
$8,676$18,586--$39,50084.03% 1,040 SAT
20 ACT
1,783 43%
Average$8,374$16,728$10,246$18,416$49,96380%1,101 3,90653%

About SUNY - Technology Colleges

The State University of New York (SUNY) is a system of public institutions of higher education in New York, United States. It is one of the largest comprehensive system of universities, colleges, and community colleges in the United States.
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