Tuition Comparison between Best Rehabilitation Counseling Colleges

University of Wisconsin-Madison ranked first in the Best Rehabilitation Counseling Colleges rankings, followed by Michigan State University and University of Iowa. The average undergraduate tuition & fees of Best Rehabilitation Counseling Colleges is $12,904 for state residents and $35,909 for out-of-state students in the academic year 2023-2024. George Washington University has the highest undergraduate tuition & fees of $64,990 and Southern Illinois University-Carbondale has the lowest tuition & fees of $13,244 among Best Rehabilitation Counseling Colleges. For graduate programs, the 2024 average graduate tuition & fees of the schools is $14,406 for state residents and $31,058 for out-of-state students.
The average acceptance rate is 73.10% and the average graduation rate is 71% in the Best Rehabilitation Counseling Colleges. The average SAT score of the schools is 1,254. The average salary after 10 years of graduation from the Best Rehabilitation Counseling Colleges is $60,017.

Best Rehabilitation Counseling Colleges Tuition Comparison

The average undergraduate tuition & fees of Best Rehabilitation Counseling Colleges is $12,904 for state residents and $35,909 for out-of-state students in the academic year 2023-2024. George Washington University has the most expensive tuition & fees of $64,990 and Southern Illinois University-Carbondale has the lowest rates of $13,244.
The average graduate tuition & fees of Best Rehabilitation Counseling Colleges is $14,406 for state residents and $31,058 for out-of-state students in the academic year 2023-2024. Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus has the most expensive graduate tuition & fees of $43,828 and University of Wisconsin-Stout has the lowest graduate tuition rates of $18,344.
The following table compares the tuition and important academic & admission facts between Best Rehabilitation Counseling Colleges.
Table. Best Rehabilitation Counseling Colleges Tuition & Fees Comparison
RankSchool NameUndergraduate
Tuition & Fees
Tuition & Fees
Average Salary
after 10 years
of graduation
Acceptance RateSAT/ACT Scores Student PopulationGraduation Rate
1 University of Wisconsin-MadisonMadison, WI
Public, four-years
$11,205$40,603$12,289$25,615$68,00049.06% 1,430 SAT
29 ACT
48,956 89%
2 Michigan State UniversityEast Lansing, MI
Public, four-years
$15,988$43,372$21,148$41,224$63,20087.95% 1,260 SAT
28 ACT
50,023 81%
2 University of IowaIowa City, IA
Public, four-years
$10,964$32,927$13,211$34,882$62,00086.00% 1,230 SAT
25 ACT
30,015 73%
4 Pennsylvania State University-Main CampusUniversity Park, PA
Public, four-years
$20,234$40,188$25,518$43,828$57,20055.21% 1,300 SAT
29 ACT
50,028 83%
4 Southern Illinois University-CarbondaleCarbondale, IL
Public, four-years
$15,416$13,244$14,148$31,050$49,50091.50% 1,030 SAT
24 ACT
11,107 49%
6 University of ArizonaTucson, AZ
Public, four-years
$13,626$41,095$14,389$33,961$56,00086.76% 1,240 SAT
25 ACT
49,403 67%
7 George Washington UniversityWashington, DC
Private, four-years
$64,990$35,154$82,40048.98% 1,410 SAT
32 ACT
25,939 84%
7 Virginia Commonwealth UniversityRichmond, VA
Public, four-years
$16,458$39,042$16,753$31,589$49,70091.00% 1,160 SAT
26 ACT
28,082 64%
9 Illinois Institute of TechnologyChicago, IL
Private, four-years
$51,763$33,810$78,00061.44% 1,310 SAT
30 ACT
6,943 75%
9 San Diego State UniversitySan Diego, CA
Public, four-years
$8,290$20,170$9,724$19,228$55,90039.26% - 37,402 78%
9 University of Wisconsin-StoutMenomonie, WI
Public, four-years
$10,142$18,706$9,282$18,344$48,70086.31% - 7,234 51%
9 Utah State UniversityLogan, UT
Public, four-years
$9,228$24,802$7,595$24,008$49,60093.73% 1,170 SAT
24 ACT
27,943 54%
Average$12,904$35,909$14,406$31,058$60,01773%1,254 31,09071%

About Rehabilitation Counseling Program

Rehabilitation Counseling is focused on helping people who have disabilities achieve their personal, career, and independent living goals through a counseling process. Rehabilitation Counselors can be found in private practice, in rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, universities, schools, government agencies, insurance companies and other organizations where people are being treated for congenital or acquired disabilities. While most rehabilitation counselors focus on vocational services, in some states they qualify as both a certified rehabilitation counselor (CRC) and a licensed professional counselor (LPC), enabling them to focus on psychotherapy.(read more at wiki)
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