The average graduation rate over the past 2 years (2022-2023) is 0.00% where the last year rate was 0%.

The average retention rate of the last 2 years is 92.00% for full-time students and 77.00% for part-time students.

Graduation Rate Changes

The average graduation rate of the last 2 years is 0.00% where the current academic year rate is 0%.

The following table and chart show the changes of graduation rate at Hair Academy over the past 2 years (2022-2023).

2022-23 0%0%0%
Hair Academy Graduation Rate Changes Chart

Retention Rate Changes

The average retention rate of the last 2 years is 92.00% for full-time students and 77.00% for part-time students.

The following table shows the changes of retention rate at Hair Academy from 2022 to 2023.


Student to Faculty Ratio Changes

The average student to faculty ratio over the last 2 years is 13.00 to 1 where the current academic year ratio is 13 to 1. The following table and chart illustrate the change of student to faculty ratio at Hair Academy since 2023.

YearStudent to Faculty Ratio