Paying for RMUoHP

How much does it cost to go to Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions?

The 2024 average graduate school tuition & fees of Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions is $19,515. RMUoHP's tuition & fees is lower than previous year.

Its graduate tuition & fees is a little bit higher than the average tuition for similar schools' tuition of $16,973.

RMUoHP Graduate Tuition & Fees
YearGradaute Tuition & Fees
Change % 2023-2024-1.01%

Tuition Per Credit Hour

The graduate tuition per credit hour is $902.

Per Credit Hour Charge at RMUoHP
YearTuition Per Credit Hour
2024-2025 (Estimate)$918

RMUoHP Tuition Charts

The following charts visualize tuition, fees, living costs, and other expenses at RMUoHP. You can enlarge the chart to view detailed information.

Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions 2024 graduate tuition chartRocky Mountain University of Health Professions 2024 cost per credit hour chart

Compare Tuition with Similar Colleges

The following table compares tuition & fees between Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions and its similar schools.

Tuition Comparison between RMUoHP and Similar Colleges
Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions$19,515
Nightingale College-
Joyce University of Nursing and Health Sciences$12,624
Provo College$17,112
Neumont College of Computer Science$13,650
Eagle Gate College-Murray$16,491

Ratings & Review

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