2024 Doctor of Medicine M.D. Degree Program Tuition & Fees

The Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree program tuition & fees of Indiana University School of Medicine - Evansville is $86,746 for the academic year 2023-2024. The total cost of attendance including room & board, meal, books, and other living costs is $119,196.
The tuition & fees includes direct costs billed by the school and it may include the fees for exams and health related fees, but exclude health insurance costs. The living costs includes costs for room, board, meals, and transportation.
The total cost of four years of M.D. degree program at Indiana University School of Medicine - Evansville is $346,176. It is based on the official school's tuition data (see the school's bursar page for details). The four year costs is based on 2023 tuition data.

General Program Tuition

The medical school tuition

Directory & Accreditation Information

Indiana University School of Medicine - Evansville was founded in 2017. Indiana University School of Medicine - Evansville is located in Room 324, Koch Center for Engineering and Science, 1800 Lincoln Ave., Evansville, IN 47708.

Medical Schools in Indiana

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