Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians (other) Program 2024 Average Tuition Costs

For the academic year 2023-2024, the average tuition of colleges offering Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians (other) program is $17,995 for undergraduate programs.

The following table shows the average tuition & fees for Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians (other) programs.

2023-2024 Average Tuition & Fees of Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians (other) Program
Any instructional program in Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Techn which is not categorized in sub area

Career and Salary after Completing Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians (other) Program

The following jobs are possible careers after completing Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians (other) major program. The average wage is based on the latest employment and wage data (May 2022) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The average annual wage of the Electro-Mechanical and Mechatronics Technologists and Technicians career is $63,880.

Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians (other) Careers and its Average Wage (as of May 2023)
Job TitleHourly WageAnnual Wage
Electro-Mechanical and Mechatronics Technologists and Technicians$30.71$63,880