In the United States, 4 graduate schools are offering Cardiovascular Technology/Technologist programs. The average graduate tuition & fees for Cardiovascular Technology/Technologist programs is $13,525 for state residents and $37,849 for out-of-state students

Career after Completing Cardiovascular Technology/Technologist Program

After completing a Cardiovascular Technology/Technologist major, you may further your career by choosing one of the following occupations. The average annual wage of Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary career is $133,310 and, for Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians, the average annual income is $62,020.

The average wage is based on the latest employment and wage data (May 2023) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Cardiovascular Technology/Technologist Careers and its Average Wage (as of May 2023)
Job TitleHourly WageAnnual Wage
Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary-$133,310
Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians$29.82$62,020

Concentrated Graduate Programs in Cardiovascular Technology/Technologist Study Area

The following list shows sub-major areas of the Cardiovascular Technology/Technologist graduate program so that you can narrow them down to the specific study areas you may desire.

Graduate Schools Offering Cardiovascular Technology/Technologist Graduate Programs

4 matched graduate schools
Public, 4-year Iowa City, IA

University of Iowa

Tuition & Fees : $32,927 ($10,964 in-state)

Public, 4-year Omaha, NE

University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tuition & Fees : $33,890 ($14,720 in-state)

Private, 4-year Durham, NC

Duke University

Tuition & Fees : $65,805

Public, 4-year Charleston, SC

Medical University of South Carolina

Tuition & Fees : $30,380 ($16,972 in-state)