In United States, 3 colleges offer the Manufacturing Engineering Technology/Technician vocational program. For the academic year 2023-2024, the average tuition of Manufacturing Engineering Technology/Technician vocational program is $11,245, and the average books & supplies costs are $383.

The average program length of the Manufacturing Engineering Technology/Technician program is 726 contact hours (credit hours) and students have completed the program within 7.3 months on average.

You can view the detail description of the program with tuition & fees, average income after graduation, and possible career path at Manufacturing Engineering Technology/Technician program page.

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Manufacturing Engineering Technology/Technician Vocational Program Tuition & Fees Comparison

3 schools are matched for your search.

Manufacturing Engineering Technology/Technician Vocational Program Tuition Comparison Table
School NameTuition & Fees Books & SuppliesProgram Length (hours) Average Competition Length (month)
Burlington County Institute of Technology-Adult EducationWestampton, NJ$5,800 $109 288 3
Charles A Jones Career and Education CenterSacramento, CA$7,420 $490 990 10
Hohokus School of Trade and Technical SciencesPaterson, NJ$20,515 $550 900 9