For the academic year 2022-2023, the average graduation rate of Colleges in Lakewood, Washington is 41.00%. Compared to last year's rate, the 2023 graduation rate increased by 20.59%.

Over the past 5 years, the graduation rate of Colleges in Lakewood, Washington has increased by 22.39% from 33.50% to 41.00%. Of the 2 Colleges in Lakewood, Washington , 2 schools's graduation rate is higher than 5 years ago and 0 schools' rate is lower.

You can check 2023 graduation rate along with transfer-out and retention rate at Colleges in Lakewood, Washington graduation rate comparison table.

Comparison Table of Graduation Rate Changes for Colleges in Lakewood, Washington

2 schools are matched for your search.

Colleges in Lakewood, Washington with Higher Graduation Rate

Complete In Time (High Graduation Rate)

Satisfied Schools (High Retention Rate)