The role of Legal Secretaries and Administrative Assistants is to perform secretarial duties using legal terminology, procedures, and documents.

The average annual wage of the occupations is $56,330 and $27 per hour. 1 vocational program could be taken for the Legal Secretaries and Administrative Assistants career. Based on BLS data, a total of 152,790 employees were employed in the Occupation.

Vocational Programs to Prepare Legal Secretaries and Administrative Assistants Career

Schools offering voational programs for Legal Secretaries and Administrative Assistants

The following 90 schools offer the vocational programs and certificate courses for preparing Legal Secretaries and Administrative Assistants. The list includes some 4-year colleges that have certificate or associate programs for the career.


Public, 2-4 year Tempe, AZ

Rio Salado College

Tuition & Fees : $8,958 ($2,358 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Prescott, AZ

Yavapai College

Tuition & Fees : $9,344 ($2,838 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Santa Maria, CA

Allan Hancock College

Tuition & Fees : $9,436 ($1,156 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Sacramento, CA

American River College

Tuition & Fees : $12,808 ($1,288 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Oroville, CA

Butte College

Tuition & Fees : $8,416 ($1,336 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Norwalk, CA

Cerritos College

Tuition & Fees : $12,004 ($1,364 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Palm Desert, CA

College of the Desert

Tuition & Fees : $9,586 ($1,326 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Monterey Park, CA

East Los Angeles College

Tuition & Fees : $10,130 ($1,238 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Fresno, CA

Fresno City College

Tuition & Fees : $9,454 ($1,334 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Glendale, CA

Glendale Community College

Tuition & Fees : $8,381 ($1,181 in-state)