East Georgia State College - Statesboro does not offer vocational programs. The infomration in this page is based on regular undergraduate and/or graduate program information.

East Georgia State College - Statesboro is a 2-4 year, public school located in Statesboro, Georgia. The school focuses on the associate degrees and it also has vocational programs. You can check all offered degrees and programs at its area of study page.

East Georgia State College - Statesboro is related to East Georgia State College (parent institute). The tuition and other information may differ from its parent schools.

2024 Average Costs of Attendance

For the academic year 2023-2024, the average tuition & fees are $10,466 at East Georgia State College - Statesboro. The typical cost for purchasing books and supplies for programs is $1,420. The total cost of attendance is $23,038 when a student lives off-campus.

2024 Average Costs of Attendance
Tuition & Fees$10,466
Books & Supplies$1,420
Room & Board$6,868
Other Living Expenses$4,284
Total Cost of Attendace (COA)$23,038
1East Georgia State College - Statesboro does not offer on-campus housing facilities and the COA is computed based on off-campus living.2The tuition & fees are based on out-of-state rates.

On-Campus Student Services

East Georgia State College - Statesboro provides a number of student services including .

On-Campus Student Services
Academic/career counseling serviceNo
Employment services for studentsNo
Placement services for completersNo
On-campus day care for students' childrenNo
Library facilities at institutionVarious Library Facilities Provided