45.13% Students North Dakota Colleges Completed in 150% of Normal Program Length

The average graduation rate of North Dakota colleges is 45.13%. It means that 45.13% of students have completed their studies within 150% of program length.
For the bachelor's degree (BS) in 4-years North Dakota colleges, the average graduation rate is 41.87%, which means 41.87% of students earned BS degree in 6 years after enrolling first year. In North Dakota 2-years institutes such as community colleges, the graduation rate is 50.56% for the associate degree or certificate programs. In North Dakota trade schools, the average graduation rate is 0%.

Graduation Rate By School Level and Completion Time for North Dakota Colleges

The following table compares graduation rates between North Dakota colleges. For 4-years colleges, the rates are based on the time it takes to earn a bachelor's degree, which typically requires 4 years of study. Therefore, 100% normal time means 4-years, 125% normal time means 5-years, and the 150% normal time means 6 years.
For community colleges (2-4 years schools) and trade schools, the completion time to measure graduation rates vary depending on the length of the program. For example, 150% normal time for 1-year certificate programs is 18 months and 3 years for 2-years associate degree.
Graduation Rate Comparison between North Dakota Colleges
SchoolSchool LevelTotal Entering StudentsGraduation Rate
In 100% Normal TimeIn 125% Normal TimeIn 150% Normal Time
Rasmussen University-North Dakota4-Years College1100.00%
Bismarck State College4-Years College0---
Dickinson State University4-Years College14816.22%
Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College4-Years College3---
Josef's School of Hair, Skin & Body-Grand ForksCommunity College1758.82%
University of Jamestown4-Years College26240.08%
Lake Region State CollegeCommunity College19838.89%
Cankdeska Cikana Community CollegeCommunity College2711.11%
University of Mary4-Years College40554.07%
Mayville State University4-Years College12318.70%
Minot State University4-Years College31226.60%
University of North Dakota4-Years College1,90342.20%
North Dakota State College of ScienceCommunity College62334.03%
Dakota College at BottineauCommunity College14624.66%
North Dakota State University-Main Campus4-Years College2,46843.27%
Williston State CollegeCommunity College28425.35%
Sitting Bull College4-Years College0---
Trinity Bible College and Graduate School4-Years College4723.40%
Turtle Mountain Community College4-Years College4-25.00%
United Tribes Technical College4-Years College0---
Valley City State University4-Years College15827.85%
The Salon Professional Academy-FargoCommunity College4938.78%
The Hair AcademyCommunity College1687.50%
Josef's School of Hair, Skin & Body-FargoCommunity College3070.00%
Lynnes Welding TrainingTrade School4481.82%
Columbia College - Minot AFB4-Years College0---
Lynnes Welding Training-BismarckTrade School0---
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