62.07% Students District of Columbia Colleges Completed in 150% of Normal Program Length

The average graduation rate of District of Columbia colleges is 62.07%. It means that 62.07% of students have completed their studies within 150% of program length.
For the bachelor's degree (BS) in 4-years District of Columbia colleges, the average graduation rate is 56.27%, which means 56.27% of students earned BS degree in 6 years after enrolling first year. In District of Columbia 2-years institutes such as community colleges, the graduation rate is 83.33% for the associate degree or certificate programs. In District of Columbia trade schools, the average graduation rate is 0%.

Graduation Rate By School Level and Completion Time for District of Columbia Colleges

The following table compares graduation rates between District of Columbia colleges. For 4-years colleges, the rates are based on the time it takes to earn a bachelor's degree, which typically requires 4 years of study. Therefore, 100% normal time means 4-years, 125% normal time means 5-years, and the 150% normal time means 6 years.
For community colleges (2-4 years schools) and trade schools, the completion time to measure graduation rates vary depending on the length of the program. For example, 150% normal time for 1-year certificate programs is 18 months and 3 years for 2-years associate degree.
Graduation Rate Comparison between District of Columbia Colleges
SchoolSchool LevelTotal Entering StudentsGraduation Rate
In 100% Normal TimeIn 125% Normal TimeIn 150% Normal Time
American University4-Years College1,67574.33%
The Catholic University of America4-Years College72373.03%
University of the District of Columbia4-Years College14727.89%
Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception at the Dominican House of Studies4-Years College0---
Gallaudet University4-Years College24516.33%
George Washington University4-Years College2,50679.41%
Georgetown University4-Years College1,57391.04%
Howard University4-Years College90060.78%
Strayer University-District of Columbia4-Years College119.09%
National Conservatory of Dramatic ArtsCommunity College3100.00%
Trinity Washington University4-Years College22120.36%
Wesley Theological Seminary4-Years College0---
University of the Potomac-Washington DC Campus4-Years College303.33%
Career Technical InstituteCommunity College32156.70%
Bennett Career InstituteTrade School18827.66%
Technical Learning Centers IncTrade School37944.85%
Institute of World Politics4-Years College0---
Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family4-Years College0---
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Washington DC4-Years College0---
Strayer University-Global Region4-Years College1729.41%
Saint Michael College of Allied HealthCommunity College3170.97%
Relay Graduate School of Education - Washington, D.C4-Years College0---
The Salon Professional Academy-Washington DCTrade School137.69%
Arizona State University - Washington, D.C.4-Years College0---
NewU University4-Years College0---
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