Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology Program 2024 Tuition

Undergraduate Tuition & Fee $11,636 $35,257
Graduate Tuition & Fee $14,192 $37,986
In the United States, 210 colleges are offering Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology programsin both undergraduate and graduate levels. The 2024 average undergraduate tuition & fees of the Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology program is $11,669 for state residents and $35,207 for out-of-state students. 101 colleges are offering technical-theatre-theatre-design-and-technology certificate or associate's degree programs.
20 graduate schools offer the Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology programs and the average graduate tuition & fees is $14,192 for state residents and $37,986 for out-of-state students.
The average salary after completing the Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology program is $28,898 with a bachelor's degree (or undergraduate certificate) and $36,975 with a master degree (or higher).
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Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology Program 2024 Average Tuition Costs

For the academic year 2023-2024, the average tuition of colleges offering Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology program is $35,257 for undergraduate programs and $37,986 for graduate programs.
The following table shows the average tuition & fees for Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology programs.
2023-2024 Average Tuition & Fees of Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology Program

What is Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology program?

A program that prepares individuals to apply artistic, technical and dramatic principles and techniques to the communication of dramatic information, ideas, moods, and feelings through technical theatre methods. Includes instruction in set design, lighting design, sound effects, theatre acoustics, scene painting, property management, costume design, and technical direction and production and use of computer applications to support these functions

Career and Salary after Completing Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology Program

The following jobs are possible careers after completing Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology major program. The average wage is based on the latest employment and wage data (May 2022) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The average annual wage of Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary career is $86,240 and, for Set and Exhibit Designers, the average annual income is $62,960.
Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology Careers and its Average Wage (as of May 2023)
Job TitleHourly WageAnnual Wage
Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary-$86,240
Set and Exhibit Designers$30.27$62,960

Average Salary after Completing Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology Program

The following table shows the average earning of students three years after completing the Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology program by degree type. The average earning after graduation is $28,898 for bachelor's degree and $36,975 for master degree programs.
DegreeAverage EarningAverage Loan Debt
Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma$19,148$11,167
Associate's Degree$21,435$10,460
Bachelor's Degree$28,898$23,125
Master's Degree$36,975$67,523

Schools Offering Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology Programs

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210 matched schools

University of Alaska Anchorage

Anchorage, AK | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$7,566 (in-state) $21,693 (out-of-state)

University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$13,626 (in-state) $41,095 (out-of-state)

Central Arizona College

Coolidge, AZ | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$2,250 (in-state) $4,500 (out-of-state)

Glendale Community College

Glendale, AZ | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$2,358 (in-state) $8,958 (out-of-state)

Mesa Community College

Mesa, AZ | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$2,358 (in-state) $8,958 (out-of-state)

Phoenix College

Phoenix, AZ | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$2,358 (in-state) $8,958 (out-of-state)

Scottsdale Community College

Scottsdale, AZ | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$2,358 (in-state) $8,958 (out-of-state)

Harding University

Searcy, AR | private (not-for-profit), four-years
Tuition & Fees

Allan Hancock College

Santa Maria, CA | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$1,156 (in-state) $9,436 (out-of-state)

American River College

Sacramento, CA | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$1,288 (in-state) $12,808 (out-of-state)
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