Design and Visual Communications Program 2024 Tuition

Vocational Programs $27,000
Undergraduate Tuition & Fee $10,694 $33,683
Graduate Tuition & Fee $13,532 $29,093
In the United States, 305 colleges are offering Design and Visual Communications programsin both undergraduate and graduate levels. The 2024 average undergraduate tuition & fees of the Design and Visual Communications program is $10,694 for state residents and $33,621 for out-of-state students. 131 colleges are offering design-and-visual-communications certificate or associate's degree programs. The average vocational program's tuition is $27,000.
48 graduate schools offer the Design and Visual Communications programs and the average graduate tuition & fees is $13,532 for state residents and $29,093 for out-of-state students.
The average salary after completing the Design and Visual Communications program is $39,700 with a bachelor's degree (or undergraduate certificate) and $54,510 with a master degree (or higher).
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Design and Visual Communications Program 2024 Average Tuition Costs

For the academic year 2023-2024, the average tuition of colleges offering Design and Visual Communications program is $33,683 for undergraduate programs and $29,093 for graduate programs.
For vocational programs in the area, the average tuition is $27,000.
The following table shows the average tuition & fees for Design and Visual Communications programs.
2023-2024 Average Tuition & Fees of Design and Visual Communications Program
Vocational Programs$27,000

What is Design and Visual Communications program?

A program in the applied visual arts that focuses on the general principles and techniques for effectively communicating ideas and information, and packaging products, in digital and other formats to business and consumer audiences, and that may prepare individuals in any of the applied art media

Career and Salary after Completing Design and Visual Communications Program

The following jobs are possible careers after completing Design and Visual Communications major program. The average wage is based on the latest employment and wage data (May 2022) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The average annual wage of Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary career is $86,240 and, for Commercial and Industrial Designers, the average annual income is $79,680.
Design and Visual Communications Careers and its Average Wage (as of May 2023)
Job TitleHourly WageAnnual Wage
Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary-$86,240
Commercial and Industrial Designers$38.31$79,680
Graphic Designers$28.83$59,970
Set and Exhibit Designers$30.27$62,960
Designers, All Other$35.33$73,480

Average Salary after Completing Design and Visual Communications Program

The following table shows the average earning of students three years after completing the Design and Visual Communications program by degree type. The average earning after graduation is $39,700 for bachelor's degree and $54,510 for master degree programs.
DegreeAverage EarningAverage Loan Debt
Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma$27,647$16,506
Associate's Degree$26,722$17,001
Bachelor's Degree$39,700$26,432
Master's Degree$54,510$79,223

Schools Offering Design and Visual Communications Programs

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305 matched schools

The University of Alabama

Tuscaloosa, AL | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$11,900 (in-state) $33,200 (out-of-state)

Auburn University

Auburn, AL | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$12,536 (in-state) $33,944 (out-of-state)

Chattahoochee Valley Community College

Phenix City, AL | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$5,040 (in-state) $8,850 (out-of-state)

George C Wallace State Community College-Hanceville

Hanceville, AL | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$4,980 (in-state) $8,790 (out-of-state)

Jacksonville State University

Jacksonville, AL | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$12,426 (in-state) $22,716 (out-of-state)

John C Calhoun State Community College

Tanner, AL | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$5,060 (in-state) $8,870 (out-of-state)

Arizona State University Campus Immersion

Tempe, AZ | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$12,051 (in-state) $32,193 (out-of-state)

University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$13,626 (in-state) $41,095 (out-of-state)

Mesa Community College

Mesa, AZ | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$2,358 (in-state) $8,958 (out-of-state)

Mohave Community College

Kingman, AZ | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$2,136 (in-state) $7,248 (out-of-state)
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