3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician Program 2024 Tuition

Vocational Programs $7,930
Graduate Tuition & Fee $12,763 $24,553
In the United States, 9 colleges are offering 3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician programs. No schools offer the 3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician programs granting BS degree, but 8 schools have vocational programs and 1 schools have graduate programs for it. The average 3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician vocational program tuition is $7,930. The average 3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician graduate tuition is $24,553. .
The average salary after completing the 3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician program is $57,869 with a bachelor's degree (or undergraduate certificate) and $33,140 for undergraduate certificate.

3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician Program 2024 Average Tuition Costs

For the academic year 2023-2024, the average tuition of colleges offering 3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician program is $24,553 for graduate programs.
For vocational programs in the area, the average tuition is $7,930.
The following table shows the average tuition & fees for 3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician programs.
2023-2024 Average Tuition & Fees of 3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician Program
Vocational Programs$7,930

What is 3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician program?

A program that prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills in the use of three-dimensional (3-D) computer technology to create technical illustrations and models used in manufacturing, design, production, and construction. Includes instruction in 3-D computer-aided design (CAD), 3-D printing, 3-D model design and construction, and 3-D scanning

Average Salary after Completing 3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician Program

The following table shows the average earning of students three years after completing the 3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician program by degree type. The average earning after graduation is $57,869 for bachelor's degree and $33,140 for undergraduate certificate programs.
DegreeAverage EarningAverage Loan Debt
Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma$33,140$13,237
Associate's Degree$45,855$12,900
Bachelor's Degree$57,869$24,963

Schools Offering 3-D Modeling and Design Technology/Technician Programs

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9 matched schools

Yavapai College

Prescott, AZ | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$2,838 (in-state) $9,344 (out-of-state)

Albany Technical College

Albany, GA | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$3,196 (in-state) $5,596 (out-of-state)

Columbus Technical College

Columbus, GA | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$3,042 (in-state) $5,442 (out-of-state)

Macomb Community College

Warren, MI | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$6,510 (in-state) $8,220 (out-of-state)

State University of New York at New Paltz

New Paltz, NY | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$8,524 (in-state) $18,434 (out-of-state)

Clackamas Community College

Oregon City, OR | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$6,210 (in-state) $14,040 (out-of-state)

Georgia Piedmont Technical College

Clarkston, GA | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$3,188 (in-state) $5,588 (out-of-state)

Ventura Adult and Continuing Education

Ventura, CA | public, Less than 2-years
Tuition & Fees
$8,370 (in-state) $8,370 (out-of-state)

York County Community College

Wells, ME | public, 2-4 years
Tuition & Fees
$3,866 (in-state) $6,746 (out-of-state)
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