Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing Graduate Program 2024 Tuition

Graduate Tuition & Fee $15,997 $31,064
In the United States, 25 graduate schools are offering Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing programs. The average graduate tuition & fees for Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing programs is $17,609 for state residents and $32,796 for out-of-state students
The average salary after completing the Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing graduate programs is $105,630 with a master's degree (or higher).

Career and Salary after Completing Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing Program

The following jobs are possible careers after completing Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing major program. The average wage is based on the latest employment and wage data (May 2022) from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The average annual wage of Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary career is $82,040 and, for Registered Nurses, the average annual income is $82,750.
Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing Careers and its Average Wage (as of May 2023)
Job TitleHourly WageAnnual Wage
Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary-$82,040
Registered Nurses$39.78$82,750
Nurse Practitioners$56.75$118,040

Average Salary after Completing Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing Program

The following table shows the average earning of students three years after completing the Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing program by degree type. The average earning after graduation is $105,630 for master degree programs.
DegreeAverage EarningAverage Loan Debt
Master's Degree$105,630$50,829
Doctoral Degree$123,411$69,839
First Professional Degree$118,895$65,409
Graduate/Professional Certificate$103,283$40,959

Schools Offering Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing Graduate Programs

25 matched graduate schools

Regis University

Denver, CO | private (not-for-profit), four-years
Tuition & Fees

University of Connecticut

Storrs, CT | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$20,366 (in-state) $43,034 (out-of-state)

Emory University

Atlanta, GA | private (not-for-profit), four-years
Tuition & Fees

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor, MI | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$17,228 (in-state) $58,072 (out-of-state)

Wayne State University

Detroit, MI | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$14,297 (in-state) $30,419 (out-of-state)

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Minneapolis, MN | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$16,488 (in-state) $36,402 (out-of-state)

University of Missouri-Kansas City

Kansas City, MO | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$11,988 (in-state) $28,788 (out-of-state)

Creighton University

Omaha, NE | private (not-for-profit), four-years
Tuition & Fees

CUNY Hunter College

New York, NY | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$7,382 (in-state) $15,332 (out-of-state)

CUNY Lehman College

Bronx, NY | public, four-years
Tuition & Fees
$7,410 (in-state) $15,360 (out-of-state)