Expected Earning after Completing Visual and Performing Arts Program is $32,398

2,254 colleges are offering Visual and Performing Arts program through certificate, undergraduate, and graduate levels. For bachelor's degree, 1,429 schools have the Visual and Performing Arts program and 500 schools are offering the program in graduate levels. In 2022, a total of 148,398 students completed the program and earned a degree or certificate in the area. By degree level, 15,942 students earned undergraduate certificate, 20,013 students earned associate's, 94,364 students earned bachelor's, and 17,446 students earned master's or doctoral degrees.

Colleges Offering Visual and Performing Arts and Number of Degree Earners

The 2023 average tuition of schools that have Visual and Performing Arts program is $9,778 for state residents and $31,207 for out-of-state students. For graduate Visual and Performing Arts programs, the average tuition is $11,680 for state residents and $25,943 for out-of-state students. For certificate and vocational porgrams in the Visual and Performing Arts programs, the average tuition is $26,926.
The following table summarizes the Visual and Performing Arts schools by offered degree and number of completers.
Visual and Performing Arts Schools and Number of Completers by Award Level
Degree LevelSchools OfferedCompleters
Associate806 20,0137,68212,331
Bachelor1,429 94,36434,40459,960
Master500 15,7776,4439,334
Doctoral (Research)124 1,574786788
Doctoral (Professional Practice)5 763739
Doctoral (Other)5 19514
Undergraduate Certificate
2-Years Certificate411 8,0332,9045,129
2-4 Years Certificate66 568209359
Certificates of less than 12 weeks26 494209285
Certificates of at least 12 weeks but less than 1 year481 6,8473,0943,753
Graduate Certificate
Post-Bachelor Certificate166 633279354
Post-Master Certificate49 22989140

Average Salary by Program in Visual and Performing Arts Study

The average salary after completing bachelor's Visual and Performing Arts is $32,398. The salary is based on the median annual earnings of students three years after graduation. The earning with Visual and Performing Arts Master's degree is $38,640.
The average loan debt of the completers in Visual and Performing Arts programs is $24,584 and the estimated monthly loan payment is $246. The debt amount is based only on federal loan debt originated at the school awarding the credential, if it were repaid over 10 years at a 3.73% interest rate.
For Visual and Performing Arts program, the graduates from Carnegie Mellon University have the highest earning of $68,249 (Bachelor's degree). Students from Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus and San Jose State University follow it with average earning $65,148 and $58,456 respectively.
Top 5 Earnings Schools in Visual and Performing Arts Area
Tuition & FeesAnnual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Carnegie Mellon University $61,344$68,249$5,687 $24,986$250
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus $32,876$65,148$5,429 $25,000$250
San Jose State University $19,779$58,456$4,871 --
Wentworth Institute of Technology $38,760$58,412$4,868 $27,000$270
Endicott College $37,776$55,379$4,615 $27,000$270
Data Source: College Scorecard

Average Earning and Debt by Visual and Performing Arts Sub Major Programs

In Visual and Performing Arts area, the graduates who completing Design and Applied Arts program have the highest salary of $39,700 and Arts, Entertainment,and Media Management program have the second highest salary of $35,833 in average.
Associate's Design and Applied Arts program shows the highest earning ($26,722) and Visual and Performing Arts, General program follows with $24,604 average salary.
Design and Applied Arts Master's program has $54,510 average salary and Arts, Entertainment,and Media Management program completers earn $52,995 yearly.
The next table shows the average earning and debt after completing Visual and Performing Arts area by major program and degree. The average annual earning is calculated based on the earning of students three years after graduation.
  • Only data from students who received federal financial aid are included in the calculation.
  • The actual earning may differ from the average value.

Visual and Performing Arts, General

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Associate $24,604$2,050 $16,463$165
Bachelor's $31,702$2,642 $25,624$256
Master's $42,468$3,539 $66,569$748

Crafts/Craft Design, Folk Art and Artisanry

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Bachelor's $28,680$2,390 $27,500$275


Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Bachelor's $26,915$2,243 $24,535$245
Master's $43,141$3,595 $104,016$1,169

Design and Applied Arts

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Certificate $27,647$2,304 $17,312$173
Associate $26,722$2,227 $16,378$164
Bachelor's $39,700$3,308 $26,273$263
Master's $54,510$4,543 $74,175$834

Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Certificate $19,148$1,596 $11,167$112
Associate $21,435$1,786 $10,460$105
Bachelor's $28,898$2,408 $22,966$230
Master's $36,975$3,081 $68,113$766

Film/Video and Photographic Arts

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Certificate $16,473$1,373 $16,758$167
Associate $23,021$1,918 $22,182$222
Bachelor's $31,109$2,592 $25,206$252
Master's $34,727$2,894 $88,685$997

Fine and Studio Arts

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Certificate $27,530$2,294 $16,981$170
Associate $21,194$1,766 $12,562$126
Bachelor's $30,381$2,532 $24,190$242
Master's $35,949$2,996 $52,336$588


Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Certificate $30,632$2,553 $15,543$155
Associate $22,487$1,874 $19,042$190
Bachelor's $31,179$2,598 $24,132$241
Master's $33,598$2,800 $38,280$430
Doctoral $44,628$3,719 $53,111$597

Arts, Entertainment,and Media Management

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Associate $19,797$1,650 $17,083$171
Bachelor's $35,833$2,986 $24,614$246
Master's $52,995$4,416 $53,686$604
Post-MS $122,208$10,184 --