Expected Earning after Completing Theology and Religious Vocations Program is $30,341

630 colleges are offering Theology and Religious Vocations program through certificate, undergraduate, and graduate levels. For bachelor's degree, 428 schools have the Theology and Religious Vocations program and 405 schools are offering the program in graduate levels. In 2022, a total of 27,186 students completed the program and earned a degree or certificate in the area. By degree level, 1,051 students earned undergraduate certificate, 1,064 students earned associate's, 7,993 students earned bachelor's, and 16,310 students earned master's or doctoral degrees.

Colleges Offering Theology and Religious Vocations and Number of Degree Earners

The 2023 average tuition of schools that have Theology and Religious Vocations program is $15,859 for state residents and $26,533 for out-of-state students. For graduate Theology and Religious Vocations programs, the average tuition is $16,389.
The following table summarizes the Theology and Religious Vocations schools by offered degree and number of completers.
Theology and Religious Vocations Schools and Number of Completers by Award Level
Degree LevelSchools OfferedCompleters
Associate152 1,064506558
Bachelor428 7,9934,6283,365
Master405 13,9598,7915,168
Doctoral (Research)97 1,109880229
Doctoral (Professional Practice)70 749534215
Doctoral (Other)52 493390103
Undergraduate Certificate
2-Years Certificate78 359137222
2-4 Years Certificate18 20896112
Certificates of less than 12 weeks7 714328
Certificates of at least 12 weeks but less than 1 year63 413213200
Graduate Certificate
Post-Bachelor Certificate140 768424344
Post-Master Certificate41 1348648

Average Salary by Program in Theology and Religious Vocations Study

The average salary after completing bachelor's Theology and Religious Vocations is $30,341. The salary is based on the median annual earnings of students three years after graduation. The earning with Theology and Religious Vocations Master's degree is $45,637.
The average loan debt of the completers in Theology and Religious Vocations programs is $24,998 and the estimated monthly loan payment is $250. The debt amount is based only on federal loan debt originated at the school awarding the credential, if it were repaid over 10 years at a 3.73% interest rate.
For Theology and Religious Vocations program, the graduates from Freed-Hardeman University have the highest earning of $45,100 (Bachelor's degree). Students from University of Valley Forge and Nazarene Bible College follow it with average earning $43,931 and $41,240 respectively.
Top 5 Earnings Schools in Theology and Religious Vocations Area
Tuition & FeesAnnual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Freed-Hardeman University $24,300$45,100$3,758 $23,250$232
University of Valley Forge $23,750$43,931$3,661 $29,250$293
Nazarene Bible College $10,002$41,240$3,437 $37,258$373
University of Notre Dame $60,301$39,773$3,314 $18,750$187
Harding University $23,148$39,008$3,251 $22,507$225
Data Source: College Scorecard

Average Earning and Debt by Theology and Religious Vocations Sub Major Programs

In Theology and Religious Vocations area, the graduates who completing Religious/Sacred Music program have the highest salary of $33,683 and Religious Education program have the second highest salary of $32,965 in average.
Associate's Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries program shows the highest earning ($29,217) and Bible/Biblical Studies program follows with $18,244 average salary.
Theological and Ministerial Studies Master's program has $47,831 average salary and Religious/Sacred Music program completers earn $45,609 yearly.
The next table shows the average earning and debt after completing Theology and Religious Vocations area by major program and degree. The average annual earning is calculated based on the earning of students three years after graduation.
  • Only data from students who received federal financial aid are included in the calculation.
  • The actual earning may differ from the average value.

Bible/Biblical Studies

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Associate $18,244$1,520 $25,365$253
Bachelor's $30,872$2,573 $23,979$240
Master's $27,731$2,311 $29,991$337

Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Certificate $23,841$1,987 $12,000$120
Bachelor's $24,920$2,077 $18,667$187

Religious Education

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Certificate $18,080$1,507 --
Bachelor's $32,965$2,747 $24,904$249
Master's $35,497$2,958 $36,855$415

Religious/Sacred Music

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Bachelor's $33,683$2,807 $26,690$267
Master's $45,609$3,801 $40,998$461

Theological and Ministerial Studies

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Certificate $13,023$1,085 $19,358$194
Bachelor's $28,050$2,338 $25,628$256
Master's $47,831$3,986 $45,706$514
Doctoral $61,434$5,120 $60,862$685
First Professional Degree $41,876$3,490 $50,536$568
Post-MS $33,093$2,758 $8,500$96

Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Associate $29,217$2,435 $22,096$221
Bachelor's $30,967$2,581 $25,324$253
Master's $40,886$3,407 $46,608$524
Doctoral $67,776$5,648 $43,956$494
Post-MS $62,169$5,181 --