Expected Earning after Completing Psychology Program is $35,629

1,814 colleges are offering Psychology program through certificate, undergraduate, and graduate levels. For bachelor's degree, 1,454 schools have the Psychology program and 756 schools are offering the program in graduate levels. In 2022, a total of 193,636 students completed the program and earned a degree or certificate in the area. By degree level, 444 students earned undergraduate certificate, 18,774 students earned associate's, 133,938 students earned bachelor's, and 38,807 students earned master's or doctoral degrees.

Colleges Offering Psychology and Number of Degree Earners

The 2023 average tuition of schools that have Psychology program is $9,883 for state residents and $30,431 for out-of-state students. For graduate Psychology programs, the average tuition is $11,181 for state residents and $21,733 for out-of-state students.
The following table summarizes the Psychology schools by offered degree and number of completers.
Psychology Schools and Number of Completers by Award Level
Degree LevelSchools OfferedCompleters
Associate340 18,7744,05314,721
Bachelor1,454 133,93827,015106,923
Master756 32,2306,16826,062
Doctoral (Research)318 5,0871,3193,768
Doctoral (Professional Practice)87 1,4403051,135
Doctoral (Other)3 501337
Undergraduate Certificate
2-Years Certificate15 551243
2-4 Years Certificate4 000
Certificates of less than 12 weeks3 16412
Certificates of at least 12 weeks but less than 1 year45 37382291
Graduate Certificate
Post-Bachelor Certificate166 1,6732571,416
Post-Master Certificate188 1,4791991,280

Average Salary by Program in Psychology Study

The average salary after completing bachelor's Psychology is $35,629. The salary is based on the median annual earnings of students three years after graduation. The earning with Psychology Master's degree is $49,465.
The average loan debt of the completers in Psychology programs is $23,799 and the estimated monthly loan payment is $238. The debt amount is based only on federal loan debt originated at the school awarding the credential, if it were repaid over 10 years at a 3.73% interest rate.
For Psychology program, the graduates from Wellesley College have the highest earning of $62,505 (Bachelor's degree). Students from Palo Alto University and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott follow it with average earning $60,732 and $59,418 respectively.
Top 5 Earnings Schools in Psychology Area
Tuition & FeesAnnual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Wellesley College $61,920$62,505$5,209 $11,565$116
Palo Alto University $23,096$60,732$5,061 --
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott $40,464$59,418$4,952 $24,125$241
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach $40,564$59,418$4,952 $24,125$241
Colgate University $64,290$57,947$4,829 $14,000$140
Data Source: College Scorecard

Average Earning and Debt by Psychology Sub Major Programs

In Psychology area, the graduates who completing Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology program have the highest salary of $38,478 and Research and Experimental Psychology program have the second highest salary of $37,742 in average.
Research and Experimental Psychology Master's program has $62,565 average salary and Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology program completers earn $49,358 yearly.
The next table shows the average earning and debt after completing Psychology area by major program and degree. The average annual earning is calculated based on the earning of students three years after graduation.
  • Only data from students who received federal financial aid are included in the calculation.
  • The actual earning may differ from the average value.

Psychology, General

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Certificate $35,610$2,968 $24,263$243
Associate $21,000$1,750 $19,033$190
Bachelor's $35,386$2,949 $23,952$239
Master's $48,427$4,036 $45,290$509
Doctoral $78,186$6,515 $98,083$1,103
Post-MS $59,226$4,936 $20,500$230

Research and Experimental Psychology

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Bachelor's $37,742$3,145 $21,689$217
Master's $62,565$5,214 $51,849$583
Doctoral $77,449$6,454 --
Post-MS $77,417$6,451 --

Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Bachelor's $38,478$3,207 $24,848$248
Master's $49,358$4,113 $50,319$566
Doctoral $71,614$5,968 $153,689$1,728
First Professional Degree $58,749$4,896 $55,849$628
Post-MS $68,568$5,714 $47,782$537