Expected Earning after Completing Communication and Journalism Program is $40,901

1,695 colleges are offering Communication and Journalism program through certificate, undergraduate, and graduate levels. For bachelor's degree, 1,247 schools have the Communication and Journalism program and 400 schools are offering the program in graduate levels. In 2022, a total of 120,139 students completed the program and earned a degree or certificate in the area. By degree level, 4,545 students earned undergraduate certificate, 8,996 students earned associate's, 94,476 students earned bachelor's, and 11,484 students earned master's or doctoral degrees.

Colleges Offering Communication and Journalism and Number of Degree Earners

The 2023 average tuition of schools that have Communication and Journalism program is $9,861 for state residents and $29,851 for out-of-state students. For graduate Communication and Journalism programs, the average tuition is $11,369 for state residents and $24,188 for out-of-state students. For certificate and vocational porgrams in the Communication and Journalism programs, the average tuition is $15,165.
The following table summarizes the Communication and Journalism schools by offered degree and number of completers.
Communication and Journalism Schools and Number of Completers by Award Level
Degree LevelSchools OfferedCompleters
Associate394 8,9963,6675,329
Bachelor1,247 94,47633,64660,830
Master400 10,9512,9478,004
Doctoral (Research)90 533238295
Undergraduate Certificate
2-Years Certificate132 1,274724550
2-4 Years Certificate6 923656
Certificates of less than 12 weeks10 311021
Certificates of at least 12 weeks but less than 1 year222 3,1481,3661,782
Graduate Certificate
Post-Bachelor Certificate146 638185453
Post-Master Certificate20 671552

Average Salary by Program in Communication and Journalism Study

The average salary after completing bachelor's Communication and Journalism is $40,901. The salary is based on the median annual earnings of students three years after graduation. The earning with Communication and Journalism Master's degree is $54,659.
The average loan debt of the completers in Communication and Journalism programs is $22,907 and the estimated monthly loan payment is $229. The debt amount is based only on federal loan debt originated at the school awarding the credential, if it were repaid over 10 years at a 3.73% interest rate.
For Communication and Journalism program, the graduates from Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus have the highest earning of $69,552 (Bachelor's degree). Students from Cornell University and University of Pennsylvania follow it with average earning $65,089 and $63,398 respectively.
Top 5 Earnings Schools in Communication and Journalism Area
Tuition & FeesAnnual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus $32,876$69,552$5,796 $28,350$283
Cornell University $63,200$65,089$5,424 $15,500$155
University of Pennsylvania $63,452$63,398$5,283 $20,459$205
University of California-Berkeley $44,467$61,158$5,097 $12,868$129
Santa Clara University $57,534$59,569$4,964 $18,000$180
Data Source: College Scorecard

Average Earning and Debt by Communication and Journalism Sub Major Programs

In Communication and Journalism area, the graduates who completing Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication program have the highest salary of $44,947 and Communication program have the second highest salary of $40,637 in average.
Associate's Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication program shows the highest earning ($35,529) and Radio, Television, and Digital Communication program follows with $31,442 average salary.
Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication Master's program has $57,165 average salary and Radio, Television, and Digital Communication program completers earn $55,226 yearly.
The next table shows the average earning and debt after completing Communication and Journalism area by major program and degree. The average annual earning is calculated based on the earning of students three years after graduation.
  • Only data from students who received federal financial aid are included in the calculation.
  • The actual earning may differ from the average value.


Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Certificate $22,006$1,834 $17,625$176
Associate $27,638$2,303 $13,527$135
Bachelor's $40,637$3,386 $22,958$230
Master's $54,884$4,574 $39,544$445
Doctoral $56,429$4,702 $126,512$1,422
Post-MS $59,046$4,921 $20,500$230


Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Bachelor's $40,342$3,362 $22,471$225
Master's $49,389$4,116 $39,194$441

Radio, Television, and Digital Communication

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Certificate $23,808$1,984 $12,159$122
Associate $31,442$2,620 $10,443$105
Bachelor's $37,846$3,154 $23,024$230
Master's $55,226$4,602 $51,160$575

Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication

Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Associate $35,529$2,961 $10,687$107
Bachelor's $44,947$3,746 $23,087$231
Master's $57,165$4,764 $44,181$497
Doctoral $61,096$5,091 --


Program Details
Annual SalaryMonthly EarningLoan DebtMonthly Loan Payment
Master's $52,179$4,348 $55,426$623