Sebring Career Schools-Huntsville Academic Trends


10-year Inflation


1-year Change

Cost of Attendance

Sebring Career Schools-Huntsville Tuition has increased 0.00% since 2014.

Check out how much tuition and other college costs have increased over the past 10 years at Sebring Career Schools-Huntsville by year.


Total Population





Enrollment Trends

The 2023 total students population is 15 at Sebring Career Schools-Huntsville, which is 51.61% decrease compared to 2013 enrollment.

Discover how the size has changed by gender, school level, and enrollment type by year.


Graduation Rate


Transfer-out Rate


Students to Faculty

Graduation Trends

The 2023 graduation rate is 0.00% at Sebring Career Schools-Huntsville, which is -51% decrease compared to 2013 rate.

Discover Trends of graduation, transfer-out, and retention-rate by by year. Also, check out how the students to faculty ratio has changed.


Percentage Received


Received Amount

Financial Aid

For the academic year 2021-2022, 29% of undergraduate students received financial aid and the average received amount is $7,095.

The received financial aid amount increased by 1845 compared to 10 years ago.