In the United States, 27 colleges are offering Mammography Technician/Technology programs

27 schools offer mammography-technician-technology vocational programs. The average vocational program's tuition at the schools is $12,890.

No schools offer the Mammography Technician/Technology programs in undergraduate levels granting BS degree.

The detailed information including career path and average earning after graduation can be found at Mammography Technician/Technology program page.

Mammography Technician/Technology Program 2024 Average Tuition Costs

27 colleges have the Mammography Technician/Technology program. By school type, there are 20 public and 7 private schools offering Mammography Technician/Technology program.

Of the 27 colleges, 6 schools offer online degree and/or courses for Mammography Technician/Technology program.

The following table shows the number of schools by school type and level with average tuition & fees for Mammography Technician/Technology programs.

2023-2024 Average Tuition & Fees of Mammography Technician/Technology Program by School Type and Level
Number of SchoolsTuition & FeesAvailable Online
Vocational Program27207$12,8906
Bachelor'sNo undergraduate programs available
GraduateNo graduate programs available

Popular Mammography Technician/Technology Schools with the Most Completers

Health Profession Schools Offering Mammography Technician/Technology Schools By State

The following table shows the 27 health profession schools offering Mammography Technician/Technology program by state. The number in parenthsis indicates the number of online programs for the program. The vocational programs includes the associate degree program.

Mammography Technician/Technology Schools By State
AlabamaNo Alabama schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
AlaskaNo Alaska schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
ArizonaNo Arizona schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
ArkansasNo Arkansas schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
CaliforniaNo California schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
ColoradoNo Colorado schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
DelawareNo Delaware schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
District of ColumbiaNo District of Columbia schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
FloridaNo Florida schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
HawaiiNo Hawaii schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
IdahoNo Idaho schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
IndianaNo Indiana schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
KansasNo Kansas schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
KentuckyNo Kentucky schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
LouisianaNo Louisiana schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
MarylandNo Maryland schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
MinnesotaNo Minnesota schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
MississippiNo Mississippi schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
MissouriNo Missouri schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
MontanaNo Montana schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
NevadaNo Nevada schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
New HampshireNo New Hampshire schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
New JerseyNo New Jersey schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
New MexicoNo New Mexico schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
New YorkNo New York schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
North Carolina44---4
North DakotaNo North Dakota schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
OklahomaNo Oklahoma schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
OregonNo Oregon schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
PennsylvaniaNo Pennsylvania schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
Rhode IslandNo Rhode Island schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
South Carolina11---1
South DakotaNo South Dakota schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
TexasNo Texas schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
UtahNo Utah schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
VermontNo Vermont schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
VirginiaNo Virginia schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
WashingtonNo Washington schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
West VirginiaNo West Virginia schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
WisconsinNo Wisconsin schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.
PRNo PR schools have Mammography Technician/Technology program.