No schools offer the Dietetic Technician program current year at Rhode Island colleges. Therefore, the tuition information cannot be provided. You may want to check all U.S. colleges offering Dietetic Technician program.

Dietetic Technician is a program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of registered dietitians and nutritionists, to implement nutritional and dietetic plans and provide direct client and patient services. Includes instruction in human nutrition, client interviewing and record keeping, dietary planning, food preparation and safety, food worker supervision, food service establishment monitoring and inspection, and applicable procedures and regulations

Rhode Island Tuition for Dietetic Technician

0 Rhode Island colleges have the Dietetic Technician program

The following table shows the number of schools by school type and level with average tuition & fees for Dietetic Technician programs at Rhode Island colleges.

2023-2024 Average Tuition & Fees of Dietetic Technician at Rhode Island Colleges
Number of SchoolsTuition & FeesAvailable Online
Vocational Program000$1,095-
Bachelor'sNo undergraduate programs available
GraduateNo graduate programs available

Rhode Island Schools Offering Dietetic Technician Programs


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