Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas Theological Seminary) is a four-year, private (not-for-profit) school located in Dallas, TX.

It offers 15 graduate programs - 9 Master's, 5 Doctorate, and 1 Post-bachelor's. The 2024 average graduate tuition & fees is $19,745.

Graduate Program Overview

For the academic year 2023-2024, the average graduate school tuition & fees is $19,745. It offers fifteen (15) graduate programs and some programs are offered through distance learning.

Graduate Programs Key Facts
School NameDallas Theological Seminary
TypeFour-year, Private (not-for-profit)
Address3909 Swiss Ave, Dallas, TX
Graduate School Students2,568 students
1,037 students enrolled online exclusively
Tuition & Fees (2023-2024)$19,745
Number of Graduate ProgramsTotal 15 Graduate Programs
9 Master's, 5 Doctorate, 1 Post graduate certificates

2024 Graduate Program Tuition at Dallas Theological Seminary

The following tables describe 2023-2024 graduate tuition & fees at Dallas Theological Seminary with tuition changes over the last 5 years. Each cost is an average amount over the offered programs. The tuition & fees is $19,745 for prospective students.

The tuition per credit hours for part-time students (or full-time students who taking extra credits) is $660.

2024 Graduate School Tuition, Fees, and Living Costs
Cost per Credit$660

Conferred Degrees and Graduate Programs by Major

Dallas Theological Seminary offers Masters, Doctorate, Post-Bachelor's Certificate graduate degree/certificate programs through 15 major areas - 9 Master's (2 online programs), 5 Doctorate, 1 Post-Bachelor's (1 online programs). 476 students have been conferred Master's degree and 42 students have received Doctorate degree last year.

The following table summarizes the total number of completers by degree and gender.

Total Number of Conferred Graduate Degree
Master'sDoctorate Post-Bachelor'sPost-Master's

Below, you can check major programs and concentration for each area of study with offered degrees and completers. ONLINE denotes the program offered by distance learning (online degree). You may want to see all graduate schools offering a major program by following the link on the title of the program.

Bible/Biblical Studies NOT OFFER NOT OFFER
Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology9 NOT OFFER NOT OFFER NOT OFFER
Religious Education2 NOT OFFER NOT OFFER
Theology/Theological Studies NOT OFFER NOT OFFER
Divinity/Ministry2 NOT OFFER NOT OFFER
Theological and Ministerial Studies (other)79ONLINE NOT OFFER NOT OFFER NOT OFFER
Pastoral Studies/Counseling52 NOT OFFER NOT OFFER NOT OFFER
Theology and Religious Vocations (other)130ONLINE NOT OFFER ONLINE NOT OFFER

Graduate Student Population

Dallas Theological Seminary graduate schools have a total of 2,568 postgraduate students. By gender, it has 1,551 male and 1,017 female postgrad students.

By attending status, there are 965 full-time and 1,603 part-time students in graduate schools. It offers distance learning for graduate programs, and 1,037 students enrolled through online exclusively and 789 students are taking some online graduate courses.

By race/ethnicity 1,301 White, 269 Black, and 198 Asian students are attending at Dallas Theological Seminary. The detail graduate enrollment distribution by race is shown in the below chart.

Graduate Students Gender Distribution
Graduate Students Attending Status Distribution
Full-time Students965
Part-time Students1,603
Graduate Students Race Distribution
American Indian /
Native American
Native Hawaiian /
Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races49

Online Population

At Dallas Theological Seminary graduate schools, 1,037 students enrolled online exclusively and 789 students enrolled in some online courses.

Graduate Distance Learning Enrollment Distribution
Total Enrollment2,569
Enrolled Exclusively in Online Courses1,037
Enrolled in Some But Not All Online Courses789
Not Enrolled In Any Online Courses743
Graduate Distance Learning Enrollment By Student Location
Enrolled Exclusively in Online Courses1,037
Texas Resident366
Other State In U.S.431
Outside of U.S.240