The role of Tree Trimmers and Pruners is to using sophisticated climbing and rigging techniques, cut away dead or excess branches from trees or shrubs to maintain right-of-way for roads, sidewalks, or utilities, or to improve appearance, health, and value of tree.

The average annual wage of the occupations is $52,850 and $25 per hour. 7 vocational programs could be taken for the Tree Trimmers and Pruners career. Based on BLS data, a total of 50,270 employees were employed in the Occupation.

The 2024 average tuition over the programs for preparing Tree Trimmers and Pruners is $9,530. The average length of the programs is 750 hours and the average completion time is 9.00 months.

Vocational Programs to Prepare Tree Trimmers and Pruners Career

Schools offering voational programs for Tree Trimmers and Pruners

The following 211 schools offer the vocational programs and certificate courses for preparing Tree Trimmers and Pruners. The list includes some 4-year colleges that have certificate or associate programs for the career.


Public, 2-4 year Tanner, AL

John C Calhoun State Community College

Tuition & Fees : $8,870 ($5,060 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Mesa, AZ

Mesa Community College

Tuition & Fees : $8,958 ($2,358 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Prescott, AZ

Yavapai College

Tuition & Fees : $9,344 ($2,838 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Harrison, AR

North Arkansas College

Tuition & Fees : $5,544 ($3,816 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Helena, AR

Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas

Tuition & Fees : $5,270 ($3,650 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Sacramento, CA

American River College

Tuition & Fees : $12,808 ($1,288 in-state)

Public, 4-year Lancaster, CA

Antelope Valley Community College District

Tuition & Fees : $8,228 ($1,124 in-state)

Public, 4-year Bakersfield, CA

Bakersfield College

Tuition & Fees : $10,310 ($1,430 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Oroville, CA

Butte College

Tuition & Fees : $8,416 ($1,336 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Aptos, CA

Cabrillo College

Tuition & Fees : $9,910 ($1,270 in-state)