The role of School Psychologists is to diagnose and implement individual or schoolwide interventions or strategies to address educational, behavioral, or developmental issues that adversely impact educational functioning in a school.

The average annual wage of the occupations is $91,990 and $44 per hour. 2 vocational programs could be taken for the School Psychologists career. Based on BLS data, a total of 62,790 employees were employed in the Occupation.

Vocational Programs to Prepare School Psychologists Career

Schools offering voational programs for School Psychologists

The following 4 schools offer the vocational programs and certificate courses for preparing School Psychologists. The list includes some 4-year colleges that have certificate or associate programs for the career.


Public, 4-year Gainesville, FL

University of Florida

Tuition & Fees : $28,659 ($6,381 in-state)

Public, 4-year Stillwater, OK

Oklahoma State University-Main Campus

Tuition & Fees : $25,754 ($10,234 in-state)

Private, 4-year Collegedale, TN

Southern Adventist University

Tuition & Fees : $25,590

Public, 4-year Ellensburg, WA

Central Washington University

Tuition & Fees : $26,771 ($9,192 in-state)