The role of Mental Health Counselors is to counsel and advise individuals and groups to promote optimum mental and emotional health, with an emphasis on prevention.

5 vocational programs could be taken for the Mental Health Counselors career.

The 2024 average tuition over the programs for preparing Mental Health Counselors is $23,613. The average length of the programs is 160 hours and the average completion time is 14.50 months.

Vocational Programs to Prepare Mental Health Counselors Career

Schools offering voational programs for Mental Health Counselors

The following 275 schools offer the vocational programs and certificate courses for preparing Mental Health Counselors. The list includes some 4-year colleges that have certificate or associate programs for the career.


Public, 4-year Birmingham, AL

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Tuition & Fees : $21,864 ($8,832 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Kingman, AZ

Mohave Community College

Tuition & Fees : $7,248 ($2,136 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Tempe, AZ

Rio Salado College

Tuition & Fees : $8,958 ($2,358 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Santa Maria, CA

Allan Hancock College

Tuition & Fees : $9,436 ($1,156 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Sacramento, CA

American River College

Tuition & Fees : $12,808 ($1,288 in-state)

Public, 4-year Lancaster, CA

Antelope Valley Community College District

Tuition & Fees : $8,228 ($1,124 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Aptos, CA

Cabrillo College

Tuition & Fees : $9,910 ($1,270 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year San Francisco, CA

City College of San Francisco

Tuition & Fees : $14,656 ($1,696 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Sacramento, CA

Cosumnes River College

Tuition & Fees : $12,808 ($1,288 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year San Luis Obispo, CA

Cuesta College

Tuition & Fees : $11,000 ($1,340 in-state)