The role of Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters is to place and detonate explosives to demolish structures or to loosen, remove, or displace earth, rock, or other materials. May perform specialized handling, storage, and accounting procedures..

The average annual wage of the occupations is $65,600 and $32 per hour. 2 vocational programs could be taken for the Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters career. Based on BLS data, a total of 4,610 employees were employed in the Occupation.

The 2024 average tuition over the programs for preparing Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters is $12,083. The average length of the programs is 867 hours and the average completion time is 10.00 months.

Vocational Programs to Prepare Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters Career

Schools offering voational programs for Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters

The following 68 schools offer the vocational programs and certificate courses for preparing Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters. The list includes some 4-year colleges that have certificate or associate programs for the career.


Public, 2-4 year Coolidge, AZ

Central Arizona College

Tuition & Fees : $4,500 ($2,250 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Harrison, AR

North Arkansas College

Tuition & Fees : $5,544 ($3,816 in-state)

Public, 4-year Bakersfield, CA

Bakersfield College

Tuition & Fees : $10,310 ($1,430 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Oroville, CA

Butte College

Tuition & Fees : $8,416 ($1,336 in-state)

Public, 4-year Redding, CA

Shasta College

Tuition & Fees : $8,277 ($1,197 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Coalinga, CA

West Hills College-Coalinga

Tuition & Fees : $10,082 ($1,382 in-state)

Public, 4-year Trinidad, CO

Trinidad State College

Tuition & Fees : $7,100 ($4,468 in-state)

Public, 2-4 year Coconut Creek, FL

Atlantic Technical College

Tuition & Fees : $4,516

Public, 4-year Fort Pierce, FL

Indian River State College

Tuition & Fees : $10,201 ($2,764 in-state)

Public, Less than 2-year Chipley, FL

Florida Panhandle Technical College

Tuition & Fees : $3,942