The role of Bioengineers and Biomedical Engineers is to apply knowledge of engineering, biology, chemistry, computer science, and biomechanical principles to the design, development, and evaluation of biological, agricultural, and health systems and products, such as artificial organs, prostheses, instrumentation, medical information systems, and health management and care delivery systems.

The average annual wage of the occupations is $106,700 and $51 per hour. 2 vocational programs could be taken for the Bioengineers and Biomedical Engineers career. Based on BLS data, a total of 19,320 employees were employed in the Occupation.

Vocational Programs to Prepare Bioengineers and Biomedical Engineers Career

Schools offering voational programs for Bioengineers and Biomedical Engineers

The following 7 schools offer the vocational programs and certificate courses for preparing Bioengineers and Biomedical Engineers. The list includes some 4-year colleges that have certificate or associate programs for the career.


Public, 4-year Boise, ID

Boise State University

Tuition & Fees : $26,976 ($8,782 in-state)

Public, 4-year Fort Wayne, IN

Purdue University Fort Wayne

Tuition & Fees : $22,220 ($9,254 in-state)

Public, 4-year Lawrence, KS

University of Kansas

Tuition & Fees : $29,412 ($11,700 in-state)

Public, 4-year Columbia, MO

University of Missouri-Columbia

Tuition & Fees : $34,338 ($14,130 in-state)

Public, 4-year Glassboro, NJ

Rowan University

Tuition & Fees : $25,564 ($15,700 in-state)

Public, 4-year Brookings, SD

South Dakota State University

Tuition & Fees : $12,809 ($9,299 in-state)

Public, 4-year College Station, TX

Texas A & M University-College Station

Tuition & Fees : $40,328 ($13,099 in-state)